Visit to Janapada Seva Trust, Melukote

We visit Janapada Seva Trust, Melukote and stay at Hosa Jeevana Daari. Get an introduction to livelihood training.

 · 1 min read

Had the most peaceful and educational two days at hosa jeevana daari.

Thank you everyone at Janapada Seva Trust .

Something that Sumanas Koulagi said will remain with us a long time, and I am ofcourse paraphrasing.

"Skills learnt as a part of curriculum, primarily to add to the experience of the children, will remain skills unused. If we really want to teach these as livelihood options, then the teachers should also be making their living out of the same skills"

In line with their thinking, they are planning to start a learning community/training center around the khadi weaving unit they have. Wishing them all the best and looking forward to it.

This was our introduction to livelihood education and we look forward to many more learning experiences.

Thanks again, Archana Khyadi , Santosh Koulagi Sowmya, and suresha. And special mention of JaaNa from srikar. 🙂

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